iconEuler Examples

Clustering Data Points

by R. Grothmann

In this notebook, we use a simple algorithm proposed by Lloyd (later used by Steinhaus, MacQueen) to cluster points. The algorithm is K-Means-Clustering. Clustering can be used to classify data for data mining.


>load clustering;

Reference for clustring.e

To generate some nice data, we take three points in the plane.


Now we spread 100 points randomly around these points.


Now we have a matrix of 100 points with two columns.

[100,  2]

We want three clusters.


The function kmeanscluster() contains the algorithm. It returns the indices of the clusters the points contain to.


We plot each point with a color representing its cluster.

>P=x'; plot2d(P[1],P[2],color=10+j,points=1); ...

We add the original cluster centers to the plot.

>loop 1 to k; plot2d(m[#,1],m[#,2],points=1,style="o#",add=1); end; ...

Clustering Data Points

The same in 3D.

>k=3; m=3*normal(k,3); ...
 x=m[intrandom(1,1000,k)]+normal(1000,3); ...
 j=kmeanscluster(x,k); ...
 P=x'; plot3d(P[1],P[2],P[3],color=10+j,>points,style=".."); ...

Clustering Data Points

Clustering with Eigenvalues

The file clustring.e contains another clustering algorithm.

This algorithm uses a clustering of the elements of the eigenvector to the k largest eigenvalues of a similarity matrix. The similarity matrix is derived from the distance matrix.

>k=2; m=normal(2,2); ...
 x=m[intrandom(1,100,k)]+normal(100,2); ...
 j=eigencluster(x,k); ...
 P=x'; plot2d(P[1],P[2],color=10+j,points=3):

Clustering Data Points

For comparison, the k-means clustering.

>j=kmeanscluster(x,k); ...
 P=x'; plot2d(P[1],P[2],color=10+j,points=1):

Clustering Data Points

Here is another example.

Clearly, the algorithm with eigenvalues takes a much larger effort. However, this could be removed by Krylov-Methods. As implemented, the algorithms uses the Jacobi method.

>k=3; m=3*normal(k,3); ...
 x=m[intrandom(1,1000,k)]+normal(1000,3); ...
 j=eigencluster(x,k); ...
 P=x'; plot3d(P[1],P[2],P[3],color=10+j,>points,style=".."):

Clustering Data Points

K-Means-Clustering is a lot faster.

>j=kmeanscluster(x,k); ...
 P=x'; plot3d(P[1],P[2],P[3],color=10+j,>points,style=".."):

Clustering Data Points


If you look at the following example you see that clustering is based on the distance of points. We define a set of points, which is easy to cluster visually.

>t=linspace(0,2pi,50)'; x=cos(t); y=sin(t); ...
 t=linspace(pi,2pi,50)'; x=x_cos(t)/2; y=y_sin(t)/2; ...
 t=linspace(pi,2pi,20)'; x=x_(0.5+cos(t)/6); y=y_(0.5+sin(t)/6); ...
 x=x_(-0.5+cos(t)/6); y=y_(0.5+sin(t)/6); ...
 X=x|y; ...
 P=X'; plot2d(P[1],P[2],>points,style="[]#",color=gray):

Clustering Data Points

But the function eigencluster() defines a very special similarity matrix. This makes the example work relatively well.

>j=eigencluster(X,4); ...
 P=X'; plot2d(P[1],P[2],color=10+j,>points,style="[]#"):

Clustering Data Points

The function kmeanscluser() uses simple distances and does not work so well here.

>j=kmeanscluster(X,4); ...

Clustering Data Points

How could we improve the result. We need to compute the distances of the point in some other way.

First we write a function to compute the distances of m points in m rows of a mxn matrix.

>function distances (X) ...
 loop 2 to cols(X); S=S+(P[#]-P[#]')^2; end;
 return sqrt(S);

Now we use another difference function. We define

Clustering Data Points

This is the minimal hop we would have to make if we travelled from A to B.

To compute this, we take the minimum over k=2, k=4, k=8 etc. points. So we need to apply the minimization algorithm log(m) times.

>function improve (S) ...
 loop 1 to log(rows(S))/log(2)+4
   loop 1 to rows(S)
 return S;

The symmetry matrix used by the eigenvalue matrix is the following. This is from the theory of eigenvalue clustering.

>function simmatrix (S) ...
   S=exp(-((S/D)/D')^2); D=sqrt(sum(S));
   return id(cols(S))-(S/D)/D';

The result is better, but only three clusters are found.

>S=simmatrix(improve(distances(X))); ...
 j=similaritycluster(S,4); ...

Clustering Data Points

It helps to force 5 clusters. But then we get an extra cluster consisting of one point.

>j=similaritycluster(S,5); ...

Clustering Data Points

Here is another example, where k-means clustering does not work well.

>{x,y}=field(0:0.25:1,0:0.05:1); n=prod(size(x)); ...
 X=redim(x,n,1)|redim(y,n,1); ...
 j=kmeanscluster(X,5); ...
 P=X'; plot2d(P[1],P[2],color=10+j,>points,style="[]#"):

Clustering Data Points

Let us try our new method. This time, it turns out perfect.

>S=simmatrix(improve(distances(X))); ...
 j=similaritycluster(S,5); ...

Clustering Data Points
